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Burrows selected candidate for president-elect

17 Mar 2019

Watch for ballots after 30-day posting

By: Christine Clarke, MD, medical staff president

View as a webpage   Notification went out via Common Ground on Jan. 20, 2019, notifying medical staff that the medical staff president-elect position was open effective January 2019.

As defined in our medical staff bylaws, candidates for this position are chosen by a nominating committee that comprises the current medical staff president, medical staff president-elect and past presidents.

The committee is grateful forLeon Burrows, MD the medical staff members interested in serving and supporting our community. After careful consideration, the committee recommends Leon Burrows, MD, of Salem Radiology Consultants, as the candidate for president-elect. Per the bylaws, this notification will be posted for 30 days. At the end of this time, ballots will be sent out to the active and associate medical staff members for vote.

Nominating committee: Christine Clarke, MD, medical staff president; Ken Graven, MD, past-president; Michael Hanslits, MD, past-president.

Questions? Contact Kelly Aebi, medical staff office manager at 503-814-3889, or myself at