Two new changes have been proposed to the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations, and the Medical Executive Committee would like to know what you think. The proposed changes:
- Delete the pager requirement for medical staff. You can read the detailed proposal here.
- Allow a non-physician representative of the Rapid Response Team to initiate a consultation with a physician on behalf of the attending physician. You can read the second rule in its entirety here.
Feedback on the proposed revisions is due before Feb. 26. Please send comments to Kelli Fussell or directly to Dr. Michael Hanslits, Medical Staff president, or Dr. Kendall Graven, Medical Staff president elect.
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Medical staff engagement survey coming next week to your inbox
Maurice Collada, MD, neurosurgeon, Medical Staff Engagement Committee Chair
Next week, you will receive in your inbox an email from INTEGRATED Healthcare Strategies (aka: survey.coordinator@IHStrategies.com) asking for your participation in the medical staff engagement survey.
This survey is a culmination of more than six months of work by the ELC, QOC and MSEC to find a tool that would effectively capture your thoughts and provide for benchmarking nationally.
The survey selection committee screened several vendors and found that INTEGRATED, with more than 40 years' experience in physician engagement and benchmarking, to be the best fit for our needs.
The survey implementation committee helped design the survey which will include questions about engagement, leadership, staffing, resources, services and more.
INTEGRATED will benchmark our responses so we can see how we are doing locally, AND compared to our peers nationally.
Please, when you see the email about the survey at the beginning of February, take a few minutes, click the survey link and complete it. It is essential for you to be heard and for us to see how we are doing as we work to improve engagement and satisfaction.
All individual responses are confidential. Your opinions are important to future planning, patient care, and in creating a desirable medical community for us to work.
If you do not see the survey in your email next week, please check your "junk" mail or email mary.maberry@salemhealth.org.
Thank you in advance for your time in taking the survey.
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Get ready for Epic 2014!
Epic 2014 is coming Feb. 24 to a workstation near you! With improvements in managing orders, physician navigators, patient and chart search features, improved and customized themes, as well as more robust meaningful use capabilities, Epic 2014 represents a substantial move forward in patient care for Salem Health.
Watch for physician-based e-learning modules coming to HealthStream near the end of January. These trainings will require an estimated 5 to 10 minutes each to complete and most physicians will be assigned three. We think you will find them helpful. Watch for further communications with links to toolkits and additional helpful resources as we move closer to the go-live date of Feb. 24!
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Stephanie E. Dukhovny, MD - OB/GYN
Oregon Health & Science University
Medical Education:
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
June 2002 to June 2006
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
July 2006 to July 2010
Maternal-fetal medicine
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
July 2010 to August 2014
Board Certification:
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
M. Alexandra Hartman, FNP - Nurse Practitioner
Willamette Health Partners Family Medicine-Salem
Medical Education:
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
August 2004 to May 2007
Board Certification:
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Ryan E. Johanson, MD - Anesthesiology
Oregon Anesthesiology Group
Medical Education:
OHSU - Graduate Medical Education
Portland, Oregon
August 1999 to June 2003
Internal Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical Center Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts
July 2003 to June 2004
Yale-New Haven Hospital
New Haven, Connecticut
July 2004 to June 2007
Board Certification:
American Board of Anesthesiology
Pharmacy changes to Azithromycin IV orders
Matthew Tanner, Pharmacy Residency Program Director and Clinical Coordinator
Azithromycin IV orders now have a five day auto-stop, and an option to order a Z-pak is now in Epic. If you have any questions, or other ideas for orders, please contact Matt Tanner in Pharmacy.
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Documentation Tip of the Week
How do you code when there isn't definitive evidence of an anticipated diagnoses? This is not an uncommon scenario, and fortunately there is a good answer. Claire E. Norton, MD, Medical Director, Continuum of Care, explains how to code probable and suspected diagnoses, as well as passing on some coding kudos, here.
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Retirement party for CNO Marty Enriquez
Many of you have had the privilege of working with Chief Nursing Officer Marty Enriquez. You are invited to a retirement party in her honor on Tuesday, Jan. 27. The event will be from 1 to 3 p.m. in Building C, Room ABC.
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A month for healthy hearts
February is American Heart Month, and it brings numerous opportunities to promote awareness and fight heart disease. You will see ads in local newspapers starting today, like this one, to help raise awareness and empower action. Throughout the month, Salem Hospital will host "Talk with a heart doc" classes, and don't forget to Wear Red on Friday, Feb. 6. To learn more, visit salemhealth.org/heartmonth.
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Upcoming classes at the CHEC
Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls
A Matter of Balance emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels.
Date: Thursdays, Jan. 29 to March 19
Time: 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $10
For more information and to register visit the CHEC website or call 503-814-2432 (CHEC).
Go Red Health Screening
Tests available include cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and body mass index.
Date: Friday, Feb. 6
Time: 7 to 9 a.m.
Cost: Free
For more information and to register visit the CHEC website or call 503-814-2432 (CHEC).
Healthy Back
In this class you will learn how to keep your back strong and decrease the risk of injury.
Date: Thursday, Feb. 5
Time: 1 to 2 p.m.
Cost: $5
For more information and to register visit salemhealth.org/chec or call 503-814-2432 (CHEC).
Mended Hearts
The Mended Hearts meetings offer peer-to-peer support for cardiac patients and families. Medical professionals often provide valuable information and answer questions during meetings.
Date: The first Monday of each month
Time: 2 to 3:30 p.m.
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Two doctors recognized for excellence
Dr. Tracy Taggart and Dr. Raj Nair have been selected to receive the 2015 Service Excellence Award! Both physicians received the Excellence Above & Beyond Star award earlier in the year, which made them nominees for this honor. The Service Excellence Award is presented annually to employees, medical staff and volunteers that exhibit excellence in their daily interactions and serve as role models to others within the organization. In total, 33 recipients were selected this year.