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New Dysphagia Diagnosis Warning

25 Apr 2021

BPA alert helps assess is okay to modify diet orders

By: Jeremy Bogan, business relations administrator

When placing a diet order for a patient with a dysphagia-related diagnosis documented in their Problem List or Medical History, providers and RNs will now see a BPA alert highlighting the dysphagia diagnosis. 

The intent of this BPA is to allow the provider an opportunity to assess if it is appropriate to make texture and fluid consistency modifications for the new diet order.  The planned go-live for this BPA alert is April 27. Click here to review the tip sheet or hit ‘F1’ while in Epic for more information. This work stemmed from patient safety events that resulted from the wrong diet order being unintentionally assigned to patients diagnosed with dysphagia.

Thanks to Drs. Bob Ponec, Gloria Marlowe and Jonathan Whitaker for their help and expertise in developing this test of change using lean problem solving with the help and guidance from Molly Rom, a lean specialist from the Kaizen Promotion Office.