GreySheeters Anonymous
GreySheeters Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive overeating. For more information call Rose Daily at 541-936-4742 and check out
Overeaters Anonymous
You are not alone. The only requirement is a desire to stop eating compulsively. OA does not weigh members, sign them up, or monitor their eating habits in any way. OA members experience many different patterns of food behaviors with a variety of members who may be extremely overweight, average weight, and underweight. For more information contact Christina at and visit
For more information on arthritis management visit
Multiple Sclerosis Groups
For support group information in your area, contact the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Oregon Chapter at 800-344-4867.
For more information about MS, visit
Hematologic (Blood) Cancer Support Group
Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Salem Hospital, Building D, first floor, Support Group Room, 939 Oak St SE, Salem, Oregon 97301
A peer-facilitated group for people with hematologic (blood) cancer and their care partners. For more information please contact group facilitator, Bob at OLP@wvi.comCancer support groups and education are available.
Please visit the Salem Health Cancer Center website or call 503-814-1449 for more support group information.
NorthWest Senior and Disability Services (NWSDS) offers free caregiver support groups and classes for unpaid family caregivers, both in-person and virtually. The groups and classes provide valuable information, resources and support related to caregiving. Please join other caregivers in learning about how to positively cope with the challenges of caring for a loved one.
To learn more about the Family Caregiver Support Program, please visit this link.
To register for support groups or classes, please contact the Aging and Disability Resource Connection at 503-304-3420 or 866-206-4799 – or by email:
Relatives as Parents NWSDS
If you want to learn more about NorthWest Senior and Disability Services (NWSDS) Relatives as Parents Program, please visit the Aging and Disability Resource Connection or call 503-304-3420 – or email:
Salem Hospital has dietitians who can help people with diabetes, whether it’s Type 1, Type 2 or prediabetes. We also offer classes and support groups.
A physician’s referral is required for diabetes education services. We can help by calling your physician for you. Your insurance may cover diabetes education services; contact your insurance company for details. Get started on education by calling scheduling at 503-814-6990.
Children’s Type 1 Diabetes Support Group
Contact Rachel Nielsen at
Also known as Adult Children of Alcoholics. A 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. For more information call Donna Best at 503-949-0039, or visit
Al Anon Family Group
Friends and families of problem drinkers find understanding and support at Al-Anon Family meetings. Call the District Office at 503-370-7363 (please leave a message), email or visit
Alcoholics Anonymous
Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome. Click here for AA meetings in the Salem area — or visit to find a meeting near you.
Narcotics Anonymous
Find more information about Meetings and Treatment in the Salem area.
Meetings offer peer-to peer support for cardiac patients and their families. Our meetings help people understand that there can be a rich, rewarding life after heart disease diagnosis. Members listen, share their experiences and volunteer to talk to other
heart patients about what they may face. Medical professionals often attend to provide valuable information. We welcome you to join us.
Click here for current Salem meeting information.
There is no charge to attend the meetings. For more information, contact Crystal Dryden at 503-814-1745 or
Stroke Warriors and Caregivers Support Group
Second Tuesday of each month
Meeting Time: 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Please arrive closer to noon, and no later than 12:30 p.m., or you will not be able to enter as the building is locked and no one will be available to let you in after the meeting begins.
Location: Salem First Church of the Nazarene, 1550 Market St. NE, Room 206
All are welcome to attend this meeting. For more information, call Dave Alexander at 503-871-8363, or his wife, Arlene Alexander, at 503-871-1652.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
For family and friends who care about someone with a mental illness.
Send an email to or visit
NAMI family support group
For families who have loved ones who struggle with mental illness. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month at Capital Manor, tenth floor lounge, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. (NAMI signs will be out front) 1955 Salem Dallas Hwy. NW, Salem. For more information, please contact the group facilitator, Lois Stafford at
NW Human Services – Mid-Valley Resources
Find the help you need, when you need it. Mid-Valley Resources is managed by Northwest Human Services' Crisis & Information Hotline. The Hotline provides 24/7/365 resource information, emergency rent and financial assistance, and life-saving suicide intervention services. Do you need help finding a resource? Call 503-581-5535 or 1-800-560-5535. Visit
Suicide grief support groups Visit
Suicide Prevention Trainings:
Willamette Vital Health
Willamette Vital Health offers a variety of grief support groups for adults and children. They also offer a summer camp for grieving children. For location and more information, contact the bereavement department at 503-588-3600 or visit for a current schedule of support groups.
Other grief resources
Salem Health does not endorse any of the resources listed below. They are being provided for information and as options. You may find other resources through your primary care provider or health insurer.
Car seat safety
Resources to make sure your child's car seat is installed and used correctly
Compass Perinatal Peer Support
In-person support groups in Marion & Yamhill counties, giving new parents opportunities to meet other parents, share the ups and downs of this new life chapter and find resources from trained volunteers. For more information call or text (971) 301-2678
Marion & Polk Early Learning Hub, Inc. Visit
Mom and Me Breastfeeding Support Group (Salem)
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays (except holidays) from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
939 Oak St. SE, Building D, first floor, classroom 2
For more information, call Salem Health's lactation office at 503-814-4539.
Mom and Me Breastfeeding Support Group (Dallas)
Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
525 SE Washington St. (Use front entrance on Washington St.)
For more information, call Salem Health's lactation office at 503-814-4539.
Postpartum Support International
Support “warmline”: 800-944-4773 or visit
Salem Parents of Multiples
Caring for twins/multiples is an exciting, challenging adventure. Learn from other parents who have been raising these families! Connect with other twin families, give/get advice, set up play-dates, sell/trade items, learn about resources and share experiences. To join the Facebook group, send a friend request to Lyndsay Huebsch or ask to join the T.W.I.N.S. group and she’ll add you. You can also call Lyndsay at 541-760-5444.
Support groups Visit
The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter's Monthly Support Group Program is an essential tool in helping people living with ALS and their caregivers, families and friends navigate the family’s journey with ALS.
Individuals meet virtually on the third Wednesday of Month from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The Caregivers meeting is the first Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. at Broadway Commons, 1300 Broadway St. NE, Salem.
Please contact Mary Rebar for more information at or 541-990-1246 — and visit the Oregon chapter at
Alzheimer’s Association
This group provides a 24/7 hotline. Speak to masters-level experts in Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Call 800-272-3900.
Class offered every third Wednesday, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Salem at Center 50+, or at the Dallas Senior Center every third Monday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call the help line at 800-272-3900 for more information on location and topics. Visit
Alzheimer’s Network of Oregon
Learn how this organization can help; call 971-720-1652 or check their website at
Amputee and Limb Loss Support
This group consists of a nationwide network of trained peer mentors who have successfully recovered and rehabilitated following an amputation. Mentors are available to speak face-to-face, over the phone, via Skype or Facetime, through e-mail or through a private, password-protected online web community. Sponsored by Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics. Call toll-free at 877-4HANGER, option 1, for more information. Visit
To learn about the Amputee Coalition, visit
A support group for amputees, those with limb loss, or limb difference, and people with physical challenges. This group meets the second Wednesday of each month from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Community Health Education Center Support Group Room, on the Salem Health campus, Building D, first floor.
If interested, please contact facilitator Paula Free at For more information, visit
Aphasia community support group
Learn about stroke and aphasia and meet others with aphasia. Group meets every Thursday from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the CHEC Support Group Room at Salem Hospital, Building D, first floor.
For more information, contact Theresa Robinette at 503-371-3948 or
Better Breathers
For more information, call Michelle Nugent-Buchanan at 503-814-3105. Also check out the American Lung Association at
Brain injury support group
Minds In Motion Initiative, offering support for individuals living with acquired brain injury.
CHEC Yourself podcast
CHEC Yourself is a collaborative project put together by the Community Health Education Center. While the content covers a myriad of topics in the health and wellness arena, its broader mission is to help listeners live their best lives. Topics include nutrition, fitness, and emotional resiliency. The intention is not merely to educate, but also to provide tools for listeners who want to create their own vision of a healthy and successful life. Click here for the latest podcast.
Creating Opportunities
A community organization developed for the purpose of supporting families of children with developmental disabilities in Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties.
To learn more, please visit:
Decoding Dyslexia
Our Mission is to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children, and improve resources for students with dyslexia in Oregon public schools. In the Mid-Willamette Valley, contact Dawn Tacker at 760-994-5537 or — or visit
Fibromyalgia (FM) Support Group
Meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 - 7 p.m. at Salem Hospital - Building D, first floor, in the Support Group Room located at 939 Oak St SE, Salem, Oregon 97301.
For more information, please contact Theresa at or by phone at 503-586-6303.
Hearing Loss Association of America, Salem chapter
The group empowers hard-of-hearing people through group discussion and informative presentations. Captioning and hearing loop system available at all meetings. For more information, contact Mary Fagan at or 503-409-5491.
Living with Ostomy Support Group
This group is dedicated to improving the quality of life of anyone who has or will have an intestinal or urinary diversion. For more information about the group, contact Vince Faiola at Visit
Please call before attending your first meeting. Family, friends and care partners are welcome. Peer-led, positive and encouraging support for each other.
Salem R.O.C.K. — Raising Our Celiac Kids
For more information or resources, call Kristen Klay at 503-581-3884 or, or visit and
Scleroderma Foundation
The Scleroderma Foundation is a national non-profit organization that serves the needs of people with scleroderma with a three-fold mission of support, education, and research.
We now have a Salem area support group that will meet on the first Saturday of each month from 2 to 4 p.m. at Salem Hospital, Building D, CHEC Support Group Room. Parking is available across the street from Building D. For more information, contact Tina Barton at
Shared Vision: A vision loss support group
Monthly support groups. For more information, please call 503-581-4224 and visit
Stuttering support group
Meets second Sunday of each month, 2:30 to 4 p.m. at Broadway Coffeehouse, 1300 Broadway St. NE, Salem.
Join other people who stutter, their friends, family members and speech language pathologists for support and to feel less alone. Learn more about stuttering and explore new ways to cope with and accept stuttering in a safe environment. Contact Sarah or Daniel:,
Like them on Facebook at Salem Stutters. They are the Salem chapter of National Stuttering Association. Learn more at
Tourette’s Syndrome support group
For families of children who have been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome. Join with others to learn about resources, gain support and connect with other families. For more information, contact Kourtney and Erika at
Willamette Wanderers
As one of over 300 clubs of the American Volkssports Association, the Willamette Wanderers exist for the love of walking. They participate and plan walking events in and around Salem and Keizer. Contact them at