At Salem Health, there are multiple fellowship-trained surgeons who are members of the American Soci...
A lot of these injuries are simply an accident, but there are steps you can take toward prevention a...
Arthritis symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling. You may also see deformity in the joints of...
Whatever activity you enjoy, orthopedic surgery and physical therapy at Salem Health can help make i...
Using advanced imaging and a robotic arm to assist with surgery allows for a personalized fit for ev...
Anyone can receive a trigger finger diagnosis, but the condition is more common in women, people ove...
After 30 minutes, the Iovera procedure blocks the nerve from sending pain signals to the brain for u...
If surgery is not performed in time, symptoms can become irreversible. Learn the signs of carpal tun...
Whether from overuse, arthritis, surgery, tendonitis or carpel tunnel syndrome, rehabilitation is of...