Most symptoms start mild and peak five to seven days after the first symptom. That’s when hospitaliz...
In an increasingly digital world, it can be tough for parents to manage their children’s screen time...
According to the CDC, taking care of your mental health while parenting is important for both you an...
Remember, your child is still learning how to express their emotions and needs your guidance. Here a...
Challenges are inevitable when growing your family, but routines, consistency and communication will...
Parasomnias occur when a person is in a mixed state, both asleep and awake — awake enough to act out...
Learn the best ways to place a barrier between a firearm and anyone you do not want to use it — whet...
Whether you’re planning a day hike or shorter, safety always comes first. With these tips in your ba...
While there is no one-baby-fits-all answer, there are age ranges when most babies hit big milestones...
Kids who enjoy a diverse range of fruits and veggies early on are more likely to continue into adult...
While we’re in the thick of fall sports season and soon to be headed to the ski slopes, it’s a great...
By keeping these three key points in mind, you can strike a healthy balance between screen time and ...
Following these tips will not only help you become more resilient, but it’ll also set the stage for ...
Traveling with young children can be a joyful experience, especially when you have the right tools ...
With the right equipment and knowledge, you can enjoy a fun and safe day on the water with kids.
If there’s one thing to keep in mind during the unknown, it’s this: Go easy on yourself! Forget bein...
On Jan. 8, Salem Health convened a first-ever stakeholder gathering at the Oregon Department of Tran...
Google, “Should I get the flu shot?” and get gigabytes of pro and con information.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the leading cause of death in infants between 1 month and 1 year old...
Salem Health partnered with Family Building Blocks to offer a free dinner and community health fair ...